Dont be spooked by iOS15

Don’t be spooked by iOS15…

I get it, you’re probably still trying to come to terms with the iOS14 updates you have surely heard about by now… and here I am talking about iOS15.

Don’t worry, this blog explains the iOS14 update and the iOS15 updates, as well as practical steps you can take to ensure your paid advertising is still very profitable.


In September 2020, Apple announced changes with iOS14 that will impact the way in Facebook is able to receive and process conversion events from tools like the Facebook pixel. Apple users will now see a notification on their Apple device, when using third party apps, such as Facebook and Instagram.

The new iOS14 policy will prohibited certain data collection and sharing unless people opt into tracking via this prompt.

If Facebook users opt out of tracking, the Facebook pixel is not able to track user behaviour, which results in in-accurate reporting for conversions. This also means retargeting options will be weakened, as those who opted out of tracking, will not be able to be retargeted, via the pixel.


The iOS 15 update rolled out in September 2021, it introduced a handful of new features that give users even more control over how their data is used. The iOS15 updates add to the mammoth iOS14 update rolled out earlier this year, both updating causes a bit of a headache for online advertisers.

The initial update focused on privacy changes, including Apples App Tracking Transparency (ATT) Framework. ATT requires apple users to opt in before advertisers are given permission to track their online behaviours, something which ad experts do a lot of to generate the highest quality conversions.

What do you need to do now?

There are ways around the above to still have great success from your advertising campaigns. For example, keep your retargeting audiences within the platform, so audiences such as your Facebook and Instagram followers, engagers, your shop traffic and your direct messages.

If you haven’t already, you should take the below steps in your ad account, to ensure you are still able to track your audience’s data and behaviours.

  1. Verify Your Domain in Business Settings

Head to Business Manager > Business Settings > Brand Safety > Domains

You will be presented with 3 ways to verify your domain.

  1. DNS record
  2. HTML File Upload to your website
  3. Metatags on your website
  • Enables Conversions API

The conversions API will allow data to be sent back to Facebook via the server, instead of the browser (your Facebook pixel)

  • Turn on Advanced Matching

Head to Business Manager > Events Manager

In events manager, scroll to the settings tab and halfway down the page you will see ‘Turn on advanced matching’ – toggle this to on and select all information matching options.  

  • Choose your priority events

In events Manager overview, click on ‘Aggregated Event Measurement’. If you have verified your domain following step 1, you can now choose your events. Ensure they are in priority order (Example: Purchase/Lead = highest priority)

The next thing to remember is, don’t panic! Ads Managers like me have been preparing for this update since late 2020 and Facebook are doing everything, they can find an alternatively solution to these third party opt in updates.

Mark Zuckerberg recently said during his earnings call “As expected, we did experience revenue headwinds this quarter, including from Apple’s changes. The bottom line is we expect we’ll be able to navigate these headwinds over time with investments that we’re already making today.”

Have you found your Facebook and Instagram ads impacted since the iOS updates?

If you would like a chat about the iOS updates and have they may have impacted your ad campaigns, get in touch here.