Content Strategy Vs Content Planning

Content Strategy Vs Content Planning

Okay, so you have probably heard the term “strategy” a lot, but what does it really mean for you and your business?

This week, across my Instagram and emails, I am talking all things strategy. Why we need one and how to create one.

In this blog, I am talking specifically about the difference between a content strategy and content planning.

So, let’s get started.

Content Strategy – THE WHY AND THE WHO

A converting strategy is a well thought process of delivering your business objective through content, to reach your ideal customers. Without one, you can find social media overwhelming, time consuming and less succesful.

A content strategy should include:

  • Your ideal personas
  • A list of their pain points and how you solve those with your offering
  • A range of content pillars
  • A data driven posting routine
  • A hashtag strategy

Content Planning – THE HOW AND THE WHEN

Content planning is the process of choosing different platforms, content types, formats, and tactics that you will use to delivery your content strategy.

Content planning includes:

  • Does you audience prefer videos or carousels?
  • Do they prefer long or short captions?
  • Do you get more engagement on one platform over another?
  • When are the best times to post for you and your audience?

Your content plan should be based on data. Whenever you first start posting on your social media channels using a content strategy, ensure you review in detail the first month’s data, and amend your content plan based on this data.

Once you have a content strategy, you will understand your audience much better and know what type of content they will find valuable. Managing your content planning can be much less stressful.

Quote: Failure to prepare, prepare to fail

I totally understand it is easy to bypass the strategy and just post as and when you have time, I have worked in this industry long enough to know that, but trust me, you will find it 1000 times easier and less time consuming once you have that strategy in place.

Don’t forget, as always, I am here to help. I offer full strategies for you to implement yourself or, I can create one and manage your social media too.

You can also download my FREE strategy guide here.